

link 2.08.2006 10:37 
Subject: ствол
Just a quicki, this one.

Anyone ever heard this as a euphenism for 'gun'? Or is it necessarily only part of a gun?


 Mr. Boggus

link 2.08.2006 10:43 
Ствол оружия - barrel

 Mr. Boggus

link 2.08.2006 10:44 
(Small) fire arms - аналог gun


link 2.08.2006 10:48 
the simplest euphemism for 'gun'is piece


link 2.08.2006 10:49 

ie. he packs heat

 Mr. Boggus

link 2.08.2006 10:50 
Кстати, вот что подарил нам Multitran...
сленг barker; fire stick; John Roscoe


link 2.08.2006 10:50 
tote a gun или at gun's point
bore of a gun если канал ствола, когда вы непосредственно лицезреете направленный на Вас (боже упаси)ствол пистолета.


link 2.08.2006 10:52 
fire stick не используется сегодня
john roscoe мало кто помнит уже
barker сама никогда не слышала

 Mr. Boggus

link 2.08.2006 10:55 
at gun's point - это, по-моему, "быть под прицелом"?

 Анатолий Д

link 2.08.2006 10:57 
"ствол" is conventionally used in law enforcement slang or professional language with numbers, e.g. "В автомобиле обнаружено три ствола огнестрельного оружия" - Three guns (or pistols? or rifles? or other species) were found in the vehicle.
This is most likely done to avoid specification and to refer to firearms in general with a focus on the number.
Barrel is another meaning for "ствол", as well as trunk of a tree, etc.


link 2.08.2006 11:00 
сленговые выражения меняются/устаревают очень часто

at gun's point = неверно. Нужно at gunpoint

Анатолий Д.
Good to hear from you :-)


link 2.08.2006 11:02 
Yes, Daddy, u r right. Gunpoint it is.
А я считаю, что пис, так по крайнее мере принято в армии, даже гаубицы считать и комред Offspring считает так же

Hey man you know I'm really okay
The gun in my hand will tell you the same
But when I'm in my car
Don't give me no crap
Cause the slightest thing and I just might snap

When I go driving I stay in my lane
But getting cut off makes me insane
I open the glove box
Reach inside
I gonna wreck this fucker's ride

I guess I got a bad habit
Of blowin' away
Yeah I got a bad habit

And it ain't goin' away

Well they say the road's a dangerous place
If you flip me off I'm the danger you'll face
You drive on my ass
Your foot's on the gas
And your next breath is your last

Drivers are rude
Such attitudes
But when I show my piece
Complaints cease
Something's odd
I feel like I'm God
You stupid dumbshit goddamn motherfucker


link 2.08.2006 11:05 
17. Mil.
a. a soldier's rifle, pistol, etc.
b. a cannon or other unit of ordnance: field piece


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