

link 30.01.2019 11:21 
Subject: Нас рекомендуют gen.
Привет всем!
Как лучше перевести "Нас рекомендуют" как заголовок на сайте компании? Просто Recommendations пойдет?


link 30.01.2019 11:26 
Our company is recommended by


link 30.01.2019 11:26 


link 30.01.2019 11:33 


link 30.01.2019 12:01 

(на linkedin посмотрите)


link 30.01.2019 16:13 
* 'Our company is recommended by' (quite formal) or
* 'Our company's recommended by' (less formal) or
* We are recommended by' (quite formal) or
* 'We're recommended by' (less formal) or
* 'Recommendations' (only if you've limited space – as in a table).


link 30.01.2019 16:17 
johnstephenson, the question was about a heading on a company website.

Like "Office Windows Surface Xbox Deals Support" on the Microsoft official homepage:



link 30.01.2019 16:44 
+ What Our Customers Say

 I. Havkin

link 30.01.2019 16:49 
Clients About Us
Отзывы о компании могут быть, конечно, и негативными, но сомнительно, чтобы руководство предпослало такой заголовок именно плохим отзывам...


link 30.01.2019 18:03 
Aiduza: How about 'Who recommends us', then? 'Recommendations' by itself seems a bit vague and ambiguous to me, which is why I said 'Only use it if you've [very] limited space'.


link 30.01.2019 18:20 
"remember, boy, hairdressers and whores have 'clients', we have customers.
(c) someone whom I cannot be bothered to google up


link 30.01.2019 19:02 
"... someone whom I ..." - сноб!!


link 30.01.2019 19:10 


link 30.01.2019 19:15 
14:26, согласен

Our references – once you see them, you love them.

 Amor 71

link 30.01.2019 23:29 
"remember, boy, hairdressers and whores have 'clients', we have customers. "

There is nothing wrong with "clients" if the context allows. We have clients even in medical field.

Key Differences Between Customer and Client
The important differences between customer and client are discussed as under:

A person who purchases goods and services, from the company is known as the Customer. Client refers to someone who seeks professional services from the company.

There exist an agency agreement between the client and the service provider. Conversely, there is no such agreement between the customer and the business entity.

The customer engages in a transaction with the company whereas the company and clients are in a fiduciary relationship with each other.
A company focuses on selling the product and services to the customer. On the other hand, the company focuses on serving the client.

The company offers goods and services to its customers. Talking about clients, who seek for professional services like advisory, legal, consultancy and may more.

The degree of personal attention required in case of the customer is less as compared to the client.

A relationship between customer and business exist for a short term only. However, a customer can have repeated transactions but only for a limited time. In the case of a client, the business engages in a long-term project with the client.

 Amor 71

link 30.01.2019 23:32 
"Нас рекомендуют" - what they say about us.


link 30.01.2019 23:34 
эти они могут и плохое наговорить :-)

 Amor 71

link 30.01.2019 23:47 
Так это же не форум, а якобы цитаты.


link 30.01.2019 23:49 
вон Джон сколько напредлагал - на вс размеры, есть из чего выбрать


link 30.01.2019 23:55 
Амор, простите, но в цитате выше четко сказано "парикмахеры и шлюхи"
если автор не вспомнил про медработников, то все претензии - к нему, пожалуйста.

что касается процитированного вами (уж не знаю откуда) трактата про "чем клиент отличается от потребителя", так я (и не только!) точно такой же (нет, - лучше!) могу написать "в обратную сторону", если меня раззадорить или проинсентивить как следует.

ну, право))


link 31.01.2019 0:26 
Shumov: So whores refer to having 'clients' rather than 'customers', do they? Really? How do you know this...? ;-)

Amor: 'рекомендуют' (on its own) sounds fine in Russian, but in English if you put 'What they say about us' without specifying who 'they' are, it will instantly make readers think: "Who exactly are 'they'?". You could say 'What people say about us', although it's a paraphrase of 'рекомендуют' and will take up 24 characters (inc spaces) at the top of the webpage. If there's not room for 24 characters I would stick with 'Who recommends us' (=17 characters inc spaces).


link 31.01.2019 0:39 

**How do you know this...?**

I must've read about it somewhere))

 Amor 71

link 31.01.2019 1:53 

What They Say About Us

But I found a better one.


link 31.01.2019 8:01 
"But I found a better one.
"Testimonials" "

не является показательным))) Uniderm Farmaceutici изначально итальянская компания

 I. Havkin

link 31.01.2019 8:16 
не является показательным
По поводу итальянцев можно согласиться.
А как же быть с изначальным смыслом (точнее, некоторыми из значений) англ. слова - "положительные отзывы (клиентов-потребителей)"?


link 31.01.2019 9:01 
"Testimonials" - то, что нужно! С языка сняли.


link 31.01.2019 14:22 
Amor 71:
OK. 'What They Say About Us' (without specifying who 'They' are) looks like a set phrase that may be becoming common on websites, although it still sounds a bit foreign to me. But your 'Testimonials' is the best so far (imho) and is more succinct. Excellent.


link 31.01.2019 14:26 
Shumov: ** I must've read about it somewhere)) **

Of course you did, of course you did.... I believe you, Shumov. ;-D


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