

link 4.06.2009 13:25 
Subject: The redcoat yeomen who stamped on your haggis-eating heads
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Ruaridh Nicoll The Guardian, 07.12.2008

Pete's was the pie country, the rolling meadows of Middle England where foxes trot along the edges of ancient hedges before disappearing into rooky woods, and hilltops boast the spires of Norman churches, marking villages with names such as Branston and Stilton.
Being Scottish, I used to mock my old friend for his homeland. 'Leicestershire,' I used to laugh. 'What good has ever come from Leicestershire?' To which he'd look hurt and reply: 'The redcoat yeomen who stamped on your haggis-eating heads.'

Заранее спасибо


link 4.06.2009 13:29 
Учите матчасть. Историю Англии Вам пересказать или учебник возьмете?


link 4.06.2009 13:40 
1066 - William the Conqueror's invasion
2009 - the French humiliated England again )))


link 4.06.2009 14:23 
Типа: Бравые молодцы в красных мундиров, которые вправили ваши бараньи мозги


link 4.06.2009 14:27 
Sorry: мундирах


link 4.06.2009 15:37 
Попрыгали на ваших головах, пожиратели хаггисов. :)


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