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to phrases
comp., MS target (The database on which an operation acts); goal (An objective that the persona is attempting to achieve. A system helps the persona reach these goals); objective (A group of key performance indicators (KPIs) that correspond to the functional areas or strategic initiatives of an organization)
iSCSI 目標
comp., MS iSCSI target (A logical entity created in order to manage the connections between an iSCSI device and the servers that need to access it over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. A target defines the portals (IP addresses) that can be used to connect to the iSCSI device, as well as the security settings (if any) that the iSCSI device requires in order to authenticate the servers that are requesting access to its resources)
目標 KPI
comp., MS objective KPI (A KPI that derives its target value and score from a rollup of its child KPIs)
目標 Framework
comp., MS target framework (The version of the .NET Framework or of Silverlight for which a particular application has been created)
SLA 目標
comp., MS SLA target (The specified duration of time in which the IT organization must respond to or resolve an incident or service request)
目標: 34 phrases in 1 subject