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comp., MS fabric (The network of interconnected nodes consisting of servers, high-speed connections, switches, and load balancers that collectively makes up the physical underpinnings of the Windows Azure platform. Conceptually, the repetitive pattern of nodes and connections suggests a woven or fabric-like nature); struct (A compound data type that is typically used to contain a few variables that have some logical relationship. Structs can also contain methods and events. Structs do not support inheritance but they do support interfaces. A struct is a value type, while a class is a reference type); structure (A user-defined value type that, similar to a class, can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and nested types. Unlike classes, however, structures do not support inheritance)
Windows Azure 结构
comp., MS Windows Azure fabric (The network of interconnected nodes consisting of servers, high-speed connections, switches, and load balancers that collectively makes up the physical underpinnings of the Windows Azure platform. Conceptually, the repetitive pattern of nodes and connections suggests a woven or fabric-like nature)
SQL Azure 结构
comp., MS SQL Azure fabric (A distributed computing system composed of tightly integrated networks, servers, and storage. The SQL Azure fabric enables automatic failover, load balancing, and automatic replication between physical servers)
: 73 phrases in 1 subject