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fish.farm. mante; mante atlantique; diable de mer
ichtyol. mante
industr. construct. couverture; mat; matelas; matte
fish.farm. diables de mer
life.sc. fish.farm. engl. mantes
de | aislamiento
environ. isolation
- only individual words found

to phrases
manta f
fish.farm. mante f; mante atlantique (Manta birostris, Manta hamiltoni); diable de mer (Mobula mobular, Mobula hypostoma, Mobula olfersi); mante méditerranéenne (Mobula mobular, Mobula hypostoma, Mobula olfersi); raie cornue (Mobula mobular, Mobula hypostoma, Mobula olfersi)
ichtyol. mante f (Manta birostris, Manta hamiltoni, Mobula hypostoma, Mobula mobular, Mobulidae)
industr., construct. couverture f; mat m; matelas m; matte f
pack. matelas en fibre de bois; tampon en laine de bois
textile couverture de lit
wood. panneau m; gâteau m
mantas f
fish.farm. diables de mer (Mobulidae)
life.sc., fish.farm., engl. mantes f (-); raies f (-)
patents. couvertures f
 Spanish thesaurus
manta f
fish.farm. grdobina; davolja raža (Manta birostris, Manta hamiltoni, Mobula hypostoma, Mobula mobular, Mobulidae)
manta de
: 12 phrases in 2 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1