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polit. Placement
comp., MS colocation
fin. mise en vente
IMF. prêt
invest. investissement
IT pose
law lab.law. engagement; place
polit. placement
de | las
fish.farm. hale-à-bord
| plantas
patents. plantes
- only individual words found

to phrases
colocación m
comp., MS colocation f
corp.gov. affectation f
fin. mise en vente
IMF. prêt m; emprunt m; avance f
invest. investissement m
IT pose f
law, lab.law. engagement m; place f
polit. placement m
social.sc. collocation f; mise au travail
textile agencement m; place necéssaire
Colocación m
polit. Placement m
colocación de las
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization1