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translation from other languages
transp. ventilated
gen. blower; ventilator; electric fan
chem. ventilating fan
construct. ventilator with control
met. blowhole
mun.plan. earth.sc. fan; mechanical blower
| de
gen. out of
| turbina eólica
 turbina eólica
min.prod. mech.eng. aerogenerator
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
ventilador m
gen. electric fan
mun.plan., earth.sc. mechanical blower; wind blower
ventiladores m
patents. blowers; fans
ventiladores climatización m
gen. fans air-conditioning
ventilador adj.
gen. blower; ventilator
chem. ventilating fan
construct. ventilator with control
met. blowhole
mun.plan., earth.sc. fan
tech. air vent; blower fan
Ventilador adj.
transp. ventilated
ventilador de turbina eólica
: 2 phrases in 1 subject