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comp., MS Video
comp., MS mexic. video
gen. videotape
environ. video; video
hobby commun. video recording
relig. commun. IT videogram
| con
gen. with
| calidad
gen. property
| para
math. to
- only individual words found

to phrases
vídeo m
gen. videotape
environ. video A format or system used to record and transmit visual or audiovisual information by translating moving or still images into electrical signals; video
hobby, commun. video recording
relig., commun., IT videogram
Vídeo m
comp., MS Video (The video offering from Xbox. Xbox Video is an app that facilitates the viewing of video)
video m
comp., MS, mexic. video (An audiovisual recording)
vídeos m
patents. videos
vídeo con calidad para: 1 phrase in 1 subject