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gen. tubing
chem. mech.eng. blast pipe
econ. piping
mech.eng. duct; line
social.sc. pipe; rope
earth.sc. mech.eng. pipe installation; pipe-work
environ. pipe
| de
gen. out of
| riego
agric. construct. irrigations
| sobre ruedas
 sobre ruedas
agric. on wheels
- only individual words found

to phrases
tubería f
gen. tubing
chem. conduit; pipe-line
chem., mech.eng. blast pipe
econ. piping
meas.inst. channel; pipework
mech.eng. duct; line
social.sc. pipe; rope
tech. pipeline
textile hose
tuberías f
agric., construct. pipelines
chem. tubing
earth.sc., mech.eng. pipe installation; pipe-work
environ. pipe A tube made of metal, clay, plastic, wood, or concrete and used to conduct a fluid, gas, or finely divided solid; pipe
patents. pipes
real.est. plumbing
UN, econ. piping
tubería de riego
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
Water resources4