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law Federal District Court; Supreme Court
gen. tribunal
environ. court
law bench; court; court of law; courthouse
UN engl. tribunal
law courthouse
| nacional
comp., MS domestic
| de
gen. out of
| segunda
agric. final pressings
| instancia
comp., MS instance
- only individual words found

to phrases
tribunal m
gen. tribunal
environ. court
law bench judge or court; court place where trials and legal proceedings occur; court of law; courthouse; forum
patents. court of justice
UN, engl. tribunal ILO
 tribunal m
law court; federal district court; supreme court
Tribunal m
law Federal District Court national court with authority over a specified region; Supreme Court highest court
tribunales m
law courthouse
 Spanish thesaurus
tribunal m
law Un juez o grupo de jueces cuyo trabajo es conocer casos y hacer justicia ver BANCO.
tribunal nacional de
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects