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gen. reassignment; redeployment; transfer
IMF. pass-through taxation; pass-through; shifting of tax
law service
mil., artil. relocation
tech. translation; transportation
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| identificación
math. identifiability
| de
gen. out of
| radar
environ. radar
| de
gen. out of
| un
gen. an
avión | de
gen. out of
| un
gen. an
| controlador
comp., MS handle
| a
comp. at
| otro
comp., MS Other
| en
comp. at
| una
tech. catch
| misma
gen. even
| instalación
meas.inst. process equipment
| o
gen. or
| entre
math. between
| instalaciones
fin. fixtures and fitting
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
traslado m
gen. reassignment; redeployment; transfer
IMF. pass-through taxation; pass-through; shifting of tax
law service
mil., artil. relocation
tech. translation; transportation
 traslado m
law transcript
traslado v
gen. copy; transcript; transcription
commun., IT removal
fin. carryover
IT cutover
law transcript written record
transp., nucl.pow. shipment
trasladar v
gen. move; transfer
comp., MS translate (To move an object in the 2D x-y coordinate system)
dialys. referral e.g. a patient to another unit; to transfer i.e., from bed to assistive device, etc.
IT, tech. to relocate
math. translate
telecom. to relocate
UN, econ. relocate; relocation
traslar v
textile transfer
traslado de la identificación de radar de un avión de un controlador a otro en una misma instalación o entre instalaciones
: 27 phrases in 12 subjects
International Monetary Fund2
Nuclear and fusion power1
Procedural law3
United Nations1