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to phrases
tollos m
fish.farm. houndsharks (Triakidae); smoothhounds (Triakidae); topes (Triakidae)
nat.res. liveroil sharks (Galeorhinus spp.)
tollo m
fish.farm. tope (Galeorhinus galeus); smoothhound (Mustelus laevis, Mustelus mustelus)
life.sc., fish.farm. tope (Galeorhinus galeus, Eugaleus galeus, Galeus vulgaris); tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus, Eugaleus galeus, Galeus vulgaris)
tollo Etmopterus spinax m
ichtyol. velvet belly
 Spanish thesaurus
tollo m
fish.farm. pas butor (Galeorhinus galeus)
tollos: 71 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences15
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4