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gen. rate-table; reference table
agric. construct. border strip; strip check
pack. box board; batten; cleat
wood. plank
tech. lumber
| ginecológica
gen. gynaecological
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
tabla f
gen. rate-table; reference table
agric., construct. border strip; strip check
med. table (tabula)
pack. box board; batten; cleat; ledge
wood. plank
tablas f
tech. lumber
transp. member; side
tabla v
gen. shelf; scale; schedule
agric. board; bed
dat.proc. table
forestr. table of figures
math. chart
wood. deal
tablas v
math. tables
transp. board
tablar v
agric. bed
tabla ginecológica
: 2 phrases in 1 subject