
   Spanish English
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comp., MS Terms
gen. appointed day; appointed time; time limit
IMF. term of maturity; maturity; life
patents. appointed date; deadline
tech. last
| que
gen. what
| se
pharma. engl. Socioeconomic status
| refiere
gen. tell
| a
comp. at
cualesquiera | de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| mandos
el. control device
| principales
fin. principal amount
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| Fuerza Aérea
 Fuerza Aérea
ed. Air Force
| tales
bot. thallus
| como
gen. such as
| el
gen. he
| Comando
comp., MS command
| Aéreo
tech. overhead
| Continental
gen. continental
| y
gen. and
| el
gen. he
| Comando
comp., MS command
| de
gen. out of
| Adiestramiento
health. training
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
término m
gen. expression
IMF. term of maturity; maturity; life
insur. cut-off
patents. appointed date; deadline
tech. last
termino m
gen. appointed day; appointed time; time limit
Términos m
comp., MS Terms (The link to the Microsoft service agreement)
términos m
math. terms of a fraction or expression
término v
gen. end; ending; terminal; terminus
comp., MS term (A word or phrase that stands for a concept used in a particular subject area)
real.est. terms (condición)
work.fl. term
terminar v
gen. accomodate; finish
comp., MS end (To stop communications or a network connection)
health. break up a relationship; ejaculation
law rest; abate; settle
pack. dress
real.est. terminate
tech. sign off
termino v
gen. term
 Spanish thesaurus
terminar v
law Cuando una de las partes en un caso ha presentado toda la evidencia que piensa ofrecer
término que se refiere a cualesquiera de los mandos principales de la Fuerza Aérea, tales como
: 1 phrase in 1 subject