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gen. replacement
comp., MS substitute; supersedence; rollover
el.tract. substitutional braking
interntl.trade. agric. fish.farm. substitutability
IT universal specialization
math. substitution
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gen. out of
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social.sc. construct. public services
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sustitución m
gen. replacement
comp., MS substitute (A delegate who stands in for the approval of a document when the original approver is out of office); supersedence (A deployment behavior that specifies how new software replaces existing software); rollover (An effect that changes the appearance of the selected object when you hover over or click it)
interntl.trade., agric., fish.farm. substitutability of products in relation to cereals
IT universal specialization
math. substitution
radio cutting
sustitución sistema de frenado m
el.tract. substitutional braking
sustitución de recursos: 1 phrase in 1 subject