
Google | Forvo | +
gen. directly; straigh ahead
gen. follow; continue; chase
bank. pursue
comp., MS track; follow
law monitor
math. come next
| el
gen. he
| blanco
commun. spacing material
| con retraso
 con retraso
avia. delayed
- only individual words found

to phrases
seguir v
gen. follow; continue 128 ; chase 128
bank. pursue
comp., MS track (To follow the flow of information; to monitor progress); follow (To track content, people or other entities by adding them to a list of things that you care about and for which you would like to surface updates about changes and activities)
law monitor
math. come next
patents. comply with; obey
seguido v
gen. directly; straigh ahead
seguir el blanco con retraso
: 1 phrase in 1 subject