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agric. industr. curing barn; curing kiln; curing shed
agric. tech. drying plant
fish.farm. drying rack; drying stage
forestr. dry-kiln
industr. construct. mech.eng. dry kiln; drying kiln; seasoning kiln
| con
gen. with
| dos
math. two
| husillos
earth.sc. worm
| de
gen. out of
| transporte
coal. coal clearance
| y
gen. and
circulación | de aire
 de aire
pack. air cushion
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
secadero n
agric., industr. curing barn; curing kiln; curing shed
agric., tech. drying plant
fish.farm. drying rack; drying stage
forestr. dry-kiln; kiln
industr., construct., mech.eng. dry kiln; drying kiln; seasoning kiln
wood. drying yard
secadero adj.
industr., construct., mech.eng. drier; dryer
secadero con dos husillos de transporte y
: 1 phrase in 1 subject