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comp., MS salt
econ. salt
industr. construct. met. gall; salt water
med. sal
nat.res. engl. sal
| con
gen. with
amortiguación | ácido
law acid
chem. acidulous
| base
industr. construct. chem. base shoe
- only individual words found

to phrases
sal f
comp., MS salt (Random data that is sometimes included as part of a session key. When added to a session key, the plaintext salt data is placed in front of the encrypted key data. Salt values are added to increase the work required to mount a brute-force (dictionary) attack against data encrypted with a symmetric-key cipher. Salt values are generated by calling CryptGenRandom)
econ. salt
industr., construct., met. gall; salt water
med. sal
nat.res., engl. sal (Shorea robusta)
pack. gel
 Spanish thesaurus
SAL abbr.
abbr. Sociedad Anónima Laboral
sal con
: 17 phrases in 7 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture7
Health care2