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baseb. comeback
immigr. return migration; assisted voluntary return
IT dat.proc. return from a procedure
life.sc. transp. back-flow
mech.eng. track curve
tech. construct. flow return; return line; return pipe
telecom. changeback
del | líquido
nautic. cash
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
retorno m
baseb. comeback
CNC feedback
immigr. return migration; assisted voluntary return (voluntario asistido)
IT, dat.proc. return from a procedure
life.sc., transp. back-flow
mech.eng. track curve
meteorol. recurrence
nautic. redelivery
tech., construct. flow return; return line; return pipe
transp. turn back
retorno al enlace normal m
telecom. changeback
retorno v
gen. return
busin., labor.org. dividend
transp. repatriation
retornar v
commun., el. to return
tech. scavenge
transp. to backtrack
 Spanish thesaurus
retorno m
IT, el. return
retorno del líquido
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Earth sciences2