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resistencia efectiva
 resistencia efectiva
el. effective resistance
| total
biol. holistic
math. score; sum; total
patents. complete ***p2; completely ***p2; wholly ***p2
transp. overall
| asociada
IMF. associated enterprise
| a
comp. at
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| carga
gen. load charge
| y
gen. and
| medida
footwear heel girth
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| punto
health. stitches
| de enlace
 de enlace
tech. bridging
- only individual words found

to phrases
resistencia efectiva
el. effective resistance
el., meas.inst. resistance to alternating current
resistencia efectiva total asociada a la carga y medida en el punto de enlace
: 1 phrase in 1 subject