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mech.eng. el. riveting
transp. mater.sc. peening
mech.eng. rivet
gen. clinch; riveting
auto. fastener
footwear rivet
industr. ring staple; eyelet
| de cabeza
 de cabeza
gen. headfirst
| de
gen. out of
| gota
health. drop
| de
gen. out of
| sebo
health. lard
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
remache m
auto. fastener
industr. ring staple
remache v
gen. clinch
footwear rivet
industr. eyelet; stud
mech.eng. riveting; rivetting
remachar v
construct. to rivet
mech.eng. to rivet
pack. rivet
tech. clinch
remachado v
mech.eng., el. riveting
remaches v
patents. rivets
remachado v
transp., mater.sc. peening
remache robladura v
gen. riveting
remachando v
tech. riveting
remache de cabeza de
: 23 phrases in 3 subjects