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math. round
met. round bar steel; round steel bar; rounds
textile circular
EU. printed from type
| en barras
 en barras
tech. bar
| para
gen. for; in order to
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
redondo m
textile circular
aceros redondos m
met. round stock
redondo adj.
math. round
met. round bar steel; round steel bar; rounds
redondos adj.
EU. printed from type
 Spanish thesaurus
redondo m
jarg. супер прибыльный, невероятно прибыльный (("Muñeca brava", capítulo 219, 7:05): Va a ser un negocio redondo. – Это будет супер прибыльное дело. DinaAlex)
redondo en barras para: 4 phrases in 2 subjects