
Google | Forvo | +
gen. beam
el. lightning stroke
forestr. lightning
life.sc. el. lightning strike
math. ray
meteorol. lightning bolt; bolt of lightning
textile jet
| que
gen. what
| pasan
health. swallow
| por
gen. a
| el
gen. he
| horizonte radioeléctrico
 horizonte radioeléctrico
commun. radio horizon
- only individual words found

to phrases
rayo m
gen. beam
el. lightning stroke
forestr. lightning
life.sc. flash of lightning; thunderbolt
life.sc., el. lightning strike
math. ray
meteorol. lightning bolt; bolt of lightning
textile jet
transp. spoke
rayos m
chem. X-rays; beta rays; gamma rays
rayos que pasan por: 1 phrase in 1 subject