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polit. Radiation
gen. radiance
environ. radiation
antenn. opt. brightness
environ. solar radiation; solar radiation
| que
gen. what; which
| puede
gen. can
| conducir a
 conducir a
UN lead to
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| transformación
math. transformations
| de
gen. out of
| fase
el. phase conductor
| y
gen. and
| a
comp. at
| la
fish.farm. poke line
- only individual words found

to phrases
radiación m
antenn., opt. brightness
environ. solar radiation The electromagnetic radiation and particles emitted by the sun; solar radiation
health. radiation
radiacion m
gen. radiance
radiaciones m
environ. radiation Emission of any rays from either natural or man-made origins, such as radio waves, the sun's rays, medical X-rays and the fall-out and nuclear wastes produced by nuclear weapons and nuclear energy production. Radiation is usually divided between non-ionizing radiation, such as thermal radiation (heat) and light, and nuclear radiation. Non-ionizing radiation includes ultraviolet radiation from the sun which, although it can damage cells and tissues, does not involve the ionization events of nuclear radiation
Radiación m
polit. Radiation
radiación que: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Health care1