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commun. preliminary model
comp., MS prototype
IT prototyping; breadboard
IT dat.proc. pilot model
mater.sc. pattern
polit. prototype
| de
gen. out of; from
| el
gen. he
| lenguaje
econ. language
| primero
tech. leading
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to phrases
prototipo m
commun. preliminary model
comp., MS prototype (A preliminary type, form, or instance of a product or product component that serves as a model for later stages or for the final, complete version of the product)
IT prototyping; breadboard
IT, dat.proc. pilot model
mater.sc. pattern
polit. prototype A working model of a proposed product, which can be tested, and if necessary modified, before production begins (Ejemplar de un producto en estudio, que puede ser experimentado y modificado si es necesario antes de que comience la producción)
proj.manag. prototype
prototipo de
: 26 phrases in 7 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology16
Natural sciences1