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comp., MS Ownership
comp., MS Properties; Properties
agric. occupation; occupier ownership; possession
comp., MS property
construct. client
IMF. capital asset
patents. ownership
| de
gen. out of
| formación
bot. formation
| de
gen. out of
| paredes
math. wall
- only individual words found

to phrases
propiedad f
agric. occupation; possession
chem. characteristic
comp. text or property
comp., MS property (Attribute or characteristic of an object that is used to define its state, appearance, or value)
construct. client
fin. chattel
IMF. capital asset; fixed asset; fixed capital; non-current asset; long-term asset; long-lived asset; plant and equipment
patents. ownership
real.est. property
tech. feature; quality
Propiedades f
comp., MS Properties (A dockable window that displays the properties that are set on the selected object. In most cases, the property values can be edited in the window); Properties (A dockable window that displays the properties that are set on the selected object. In most cases, the property values can be edited in the window)
propiedades f
tech. performance
en régimen de propiedad f
agric. occupier ownership
Propiedad f
comp., MS Ownership (A field which appears in the "Company Information' section of the default "Account" form)
 Spanish thesaurus
propiedad f
law Algo tangible o intangible sobre lo cual alguien tiene el título legal
propiedad de formación de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject