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productos químicos
 Productos quìmicos
polit. Chemicals
 producto químico
econ. chemical product
environ. chemical product
nat.sc. industr. chem. chemical
 productos quìmicos
polit. chemicals
 productos químicos
environ. chemical; chemical
stat. chemicals
| para
gen. for
| el
gen. he
| tratamiento
health. treatment
del niel
- only individual words found

to phrases
productos químicos
environ. chemical Any substance used in or resulting from a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules; chemical
stat. chemicals
UN Chemicals
producto químico
econ. chemical product
environ. chemical product A substance characterized by definite molecular composition
nat.sc., industr., chem. chemical
Productos quìmicos
polit. Chemicals
productos quìmicos
polit. chemicals
productos químicos para el: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
United Nations2