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footwear gauge
gen. employer; patron
agric. skipper
ed. employer
health. boss
industr. construct. dress pattern
math. pattern
| atómico
comp., MS atomic
| de
gen. out of
| frecuencia
ecol. frequency
| pasivo
account. debtor side
- only individual words found

to phrases
patrón m
gen. employer; patron
agric. skipper; stock; independent farmer; owner; stock-vine
commun. stencil
comp. template
comp., MS master (A slide view or page on which you define formatting for all slides or pages in your presentation. Each presentation has a master for each key component: slides, title slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts); pattern (A rule for comparing input data with a logical structure, decomposing data into constituent parts, or extracting information from data)
ed. employer (Mex)
health. boss
IMF. monetary standard; money standard
industr., construct. dress pattern
life.sc., agric. rootstock
math. pattern (Depending on context, modelo, diseño, or serie might be more appropriate translations for pattern)
tech. master; measurement standard; standard; coxswain (de un bote); dummy; form; mold or mould; sample; templet
patron m
footwear gauge
textile apparel pattern
patrón atómico
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects