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commun. IT body part
law State Party
pack. top side; upper side
patents. element; component; part; client
tech. quantum; report
del | torno
met. turning machine
| que
gen. what
| lleva
gen. take this...
| el
gen. he
| husillo
earth.sc. worm
| el
gen. he
| plato
math. plate
| y
gen. and
| el
gen. he
| mandril
gen. baboon
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
parte f
commun., IT body part
law State Party
med. part (pars, portio); article
pack. top side; upper side
patents. element; component; part; client
tech. quantum; report
 parte f
law party
parte v
gen. part (One of the subordinate units into which a document has been divided. A single issue of a serial publication); fascicle; issue; number; piece
commun. part of a book
footwear side
IT body
law party plaintiff [People, State, etc.], prosecution or defense; party (in a case)
parto v
agric. farrowing
anim.husb. calving; calving down
health. childbirth; delivery; labor
life.sc., health., anim.husb. birth
med. parturition; partus
proced.law. confinement
partir v
gen. break v. apart; depart; split
footwear to level
parte social v
law no par value share; no-par stock; no-par value share; share; share without par value
partir v
law distribute
partido v
gen. adherents; disciples; followers
partes v
math. shares equal (iguales)
 Spanish thesaurus
parte f
law Una de las partes. La persona que empezó el caso es llamada demandante o acusador. La persona que es demandada es llamada acusado o demandado
parte del torno que lleva
: 1 phrase in 1 subject