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gen. come to a halt; halt; stop
baseb. strike
dialys. arrest
econ. unemployment
met. blowhole
nucl.phys. reactor shutdown; shutdown
 paro исп.
IMF. unemployment
| de
gen. out of
| una
tech. catch
| turbina
econ. turbine
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
paro m
baseb. strike labor
dialys. arrest
met. blowhole
nucl.phys. reactor shutdown; shutdown
paro исп. m
IMF. unemployment
paro лат.-амер. m
IMF. strike
paro v
gen. stayaway
econ. unemployment
tech. stop
parir v
anim.husb. calve
ecol. give birth
fin. farrow
health. deliver a baby
life.sc., anim.husb. late in gestation
med. to be confined
parar v
gen. come to a halt; halt; stop; lead 128
transp. to check
pare v
gen. foothold; halt; stop
pararse v
gen. stand; stop
pares v
deaf. peer
math. pairs
 Spanish thesaurus
PARE abbr.
abbr., fin. Programa de Asistencia para la Recuperación Económica
abbr., mexic. Programa para Abatir el Rezago Educativo
paro de una turbina
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Labor law1
Nuclear physics2