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baseb. defeat
coal. ore loss
dril. leak-off
IMF. shortfall
law forfeiture
patents. damage
tech. decay; waste
textile escape
transp. nautic. particular average
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| núcleo
life.sc. cell nucleus
| de
gen. out of
| hierro
industr. construct. metal rod
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
pérdida f
baseb. defeat
coal. ore loss
dril. leak-off (o fuga)
IMF. shortfall
law forfeiture
patents. damage
tech. decay; waste
textile escape
transp., nautic. particular average
pérdidas f
police casualties
pérdida adj.
commun., IT attenuation
earth.sc., mech.eng. leak
econ. disutility
environ. loss The result of a business operation where overhead costs are greater than the receipts or income
health. abortion-spontaneous; miscarriage
stat. regret
transp., avia. stalling; loss of lift; stall
transp., construct. exfiltration; leakage; loss
pérdidas adj.
agric. wastage
el. loss
mech.eng. leakage
med. losses
stat., el. electric utility losses
perdido adj.
commun. overs; spoils
health. lost
perdida adj.
gen. loss
perdidas adj.
gen. harms
pérdidas en el
: 1 phrase in 1 subject