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fin. liabilities
fin. BrE debenture loan
real.est. liability
gen. engagement; liability
comp., MS obligation
fin. bond
lab.law. subjection
| por
gen. a
| prestaciones
fin. Benefits
- only individual words found

to phrases
obligación m
gen. engagement; liability
comp., MS obligation (A legally binding commitment)
econ. long term bond; certificate of indebtedness
fin. bond; debenture
lab.law. subjection
law bond certificate of debt redeemable by court if defendant fails to appear in court; obligation; undertaking; duty (to do one's, cumplir con su deber)
patents. condition; injunction; imposition
pest.contr. requirement
tech. lien
obligaciones m
account. debentures
bank. duties
fin. liabilities; bonds; notes payable
fin., BrE debenture loan
IMF. liability holdings
law, commer. obligations
real.est. liabilityies
obligación por prestaciones
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
United Nations2