
Google | Forvo | +
gen. nutria
life.sc. environ. Old World otter; common otter
mamm. otter
| de
gen. out of; from
inet. From:
| cola
comp., MS queue
| larga
gen. let go
- only individual words found

to phrases
nutria f
life.sc., environ. Old World otter (Lutra lutra); common otter (Lutra lutra)
mamm. otter
nat.res. Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra); European otter (Lutra lutra); otter (Lutra lutra)
nutria Myocastor coypus f
gen. nutria
 Spanish thesaurus
nutria f
mamm. vidra (Lutra lutra)
nutria: 27 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation12