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gen. mold; mould
industr. construct. matrix
med. cast
pack. mould
tech. die; form block; forming block
tech. industr. construct. wire mould
construct. mould
| con
gen. with
| canales
tech. ways
| de
gen. out of
regulación | térmica
fish.farm. thermic
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
molde m
med. cast
pack. mould (for pressing or casting, para prensar o moldear)
tech. die; form block; forming block
tech., industr., construct. wire mould
molde v
gen. mold; mould
construct. core
industr., construct. matrix
industr., construct., mech.eng. former; shape
tech., industr., construct. form
moldes v
construct. mould
math. cupboards
patents. moulds
moldes partes de máquinas v
gen. molds parts of machines; moulds parts of machines
molde con canales
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects