
   Spanish English
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gen. direct; guide
gen. commandment
chem. steering
el. control device
psychol. mand
tech. gearing; leadership
textile drive
| de
gen. out of
| puesta
gen. setting
| en
comp. at
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
mando m
chem. steering
el. control device
tech. gearing; leadership
textile drive
mandos m
tech. control device; controls
mando v
gen. commandment
el. control
IT command
psychol. mand
work.fl., IT order
mandar v
gen. direct; guide; manage; steer; order 128 ; ask for 128 ; command 128
bank. send
commun., IT e-mail
me v
gen. I; me; mine; to me
mAN v
tech. 1 meter-newton; m lambda N
 Spanish thesaurus
ME abbr.
abbr. Ministerio de Economía
MAREN abbr.
abbr. Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales
MAN abbr.
abbr., comp., net. red de área metropolitana
mando de puesta en
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Computer numerical control1
Measuring instruments1