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fishery Levant
gen. pick up
health. lifting
math. draw
fin. transp. customs release
mech.eng. hydraulic lift; power lift
meteorol. levanter
tech. east
transp. mater.sc. general inspection
| de
gen. out of
| una
tech. catch
| mercancía
comp., MS commodity
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
levante m
fin., transp. customs release
mech.eng. hydraulic lift; power lift
meteorol. levanter
tech. east
transp., mater.sc. general inspection
levante... m
gen. lift the...
Levante m
fishery Levant
levantar v
gen. pick up lift; lever; lift; raise
auto. jack
health. lifting
industr., construct., met. to gather
law adjourn (court)
math. draw (According to context, e.g., draw a piece of paper (out of the hat) = sacar un pedazo de papel (del sombrero))
pack. set up; erect (folding boxes)
tech. hoist
levante v
fin. release
mech.eng. lift
transp., mater.sc. lifting
levante de una mercancía
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects