
Google | Forvo | +
chem. bellows tongue
footwear belows tongue
agric. craddle; feed gate; gate
construct. key
industr. construct. tongue
met. scab
| interna
health. hospitalize
| de
gen. out of
| reborde
footwear offal
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
lengüeta m
agric. craddle; feed gate; gate
avia. tab
construct. key
electric. reed
industr., construct. tongue
met. scab; shell; sliver; spill
nautic. cofferdam
tech. feather key; joggle; lug; pallet; sunk or feather key; tang
transp. spline; point blade; point tongue
lengueta m
chem. bellows tongue; tongue gusset
footwear belows tongue
lengüetas m
gen. reeds
lengüeta f
pack. eyelet; eye
lengúeta v
tech. reed
lengüeta interna
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Mechanic engineering2