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law administer the oath to; swear in
 juramentar ...
law administer the oath to...
law oath
polit. law oath
| prestado
gen. as a loan
bank. borrowed; lent
gen. lend
| ante
gen. before
| el
gen. he
| Tribunal de Justicia
 tribunal de justicia
law court
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
 juramento m
law oath
juramento v
law oath sworn statement
polit., law oath
juramentar v
law administer the oath to ... (...); swear in (a)
juramentar a... v
law administer the oath to...
 Spanish thesaurus
juramento m
law Cuando un testigo promete decir la verdad en un proceso legal
juramento prestado ante
: 1 phrase in 1 subject