
Google | Forvo | +
forestr. graft
gen. budding; grafting
agric. scion; cion
health. graft
med. implant; flap; transplantation
nat.res. agric. grafted component
| de
gen. out of
| hendidura
gen. cleavage
| con
gen. with
| espaldones
tech. butt
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
injerto m
agric. scion
med. implant; flap; transplantation
nat.res., agric. grafted component
nat.sc., agric. wood grafting on old wood
injerto v
gen. budding; grafting
agric. cion; top-graft cutting
health. graft; engraftment
injertar v
agric. to graft; graft
forestr. graft to
injertado v
agric. grafting
injerto de hendidura
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Natural sciences2