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fin. Learn more about...
comp., MS Feedback; Reports
gen. inform; report
comp., MS report
law make a report
patents. plead; deliver a report
| al
gen. by
| Tribunal de Cuentas
 Tribunal de Cuentas лат.-амер.
IMF. audit office
- only individual words found

to phrases
informar v
gen. inform; report
comp., MS report (To update the progression or output of work done outside of the application. The reporting action is taken by a person)
law to make a report
patents. plead (abogado o fiscal); deliver a report
Informes v
comp., MS Feedback (A UI element that provides access to a site or process for submitting feedback on the product or service being used); Reports (A folder in the workspace browser where available report views are listed)
Informarse v
fin. Learn more about... as in: I just learned that...
informará v
UN shall notify
informar al Tribunal
: 1 phrase in 1 subject