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health. fracture
med. bone fracture
pack. edge fracture
piez. crack
tech. rupture; shearing
textile breakage
transp. fissure; joint; diaclase
| con
gen. with
dislocación | anterior
comp., MS Previous
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
fractura f
med. bone fracture
pack. edge fracture
piez. crack
tech. rupture; shearing
textile breakage
transp. fissure; joint
UN, geol. breakup
fractura v
coal. fault
health. fracture
law breaking and entering
transp. diaclase; break
fracturar v
pack. break (se); fracture (se)
tech. comminute
fractura con
: 14 phrases in 3 subjects
Earth sciences1
Life sciences4