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gen. blank
bank. formulary
commun. printed form
comp., MS form
econ. form
math. questionnaire; schedule
tech. blank form
gen. forms
IT formularies
| que
gen. what
| se
pharma. engl. Socioeconomic status
| usa
gen. employ
| para
math. to
| pedir
gen. request
| abastos
tech. stores
| en
comp. at
| un
gen. an
| almacén
agric. honey body
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| base
industr. construct. chem. base shoe
| y
gen. and
| mediante
patents. by
| el
gen. he
| cual
gen. that
| se
pharma. engl. Socioeconomic status
| entregan
real.est. surrender
| al
gen. by
| individuo
bank. fellow
| u
food.serv. urea
organización | que
gen. what
| los
gen. the
| solicita
real.est. apply
- only individual words found

to phrases
formulario m
gen. blank
bank. formulary
commun. printed form
comp., MS form (A structured document or template with spaces reserved for entering information and often containing special coding (e.g. to trigger data processing))
econ. form
fin. form (as in: complete this form)
math. questionnaire; schedule
tech. blank form
formularios m
gen. forms to fill out
construct. schedules (anexos)
IT formularies
patents. forms
 Spanish thesaurus
formulario m
gen. form. (spanishru)
formulario que se usa para pedir abastos en un almacén de la base y mediante: 1 phrase in 1 subject