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gen. expansion
coal. pressure relief
comp., MS explosion
econ. economic recovery
fish.farm. extensification
med. mandibular expansion
met. mech.eng. growth
mil., artil. spread
radio compression
tech. swelling
| de
gen. out of
| las
gen. the
| inversiones
environ. investment
- only individual words found

to phrases
expansión f
gen. expansion
coal. pressure relief
comp., MS explosion (The process of determing the total quantities of components needed for a manufactured item)
econ. economic recovery
fish.farm. extensification
med. mandibular expansion
met., mech.eng. growth
mil., artil. spread
tech. swelling
transp. dilatation
expansión de una imagen f
radio compression
expansión de las
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Corporate governance2