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IMF. By-Laws
gen. by-law
bank. statute
law ordinance; statute
real.est. statute
gen. charter
fin. articles; articles
real.est. by-laws
| de
gen. out of
| protección subsidiaria
 protección subsidiaria
immigr. alternative protection
- only individual words found

to phrases
estatuto m
gen. by-law
bank. statute
IMF. By-Laws
law ordinance statute or regulation; statute; ordinance
patents. regulation; rule
real.est. statute
estatutos m
gen. charter
fin. articles (of a company, de una sociedad); articles of a company (de una sociedad)
real.est. by-laws
Estatutos m
IMF. By-Laws (FMI)
estatuto hoja de entrada CARIS m
work.fl. status CARIS input sheet
Estatuto m
gen. General Regulations
 estatuto m
law statute
 Spanish thesaurus
estatuto m
law Una ley hecha por el congreso o una legislatura estatal
estatuto de protección
: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Human rights activism3