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gen. corpus; catalogue raisonn?
commun. IT body of a message
earth.sc. eruptive body
inet. body
mater.sc. mech.eng. body blank
mech.eng. spool
mech.eng. el. spider; cylinder
med. body
| de
gen. out of
| telas
gen. spare part
| o
gen. or
| cubierta
real.est. coverage
| de
gen. out of
| un
gen. an
| neumático
econ. pneumatic tyre
| excluyendo
gen. exclude
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| cara
el. face-plate
| o
gen. or
| superficie de rodamiento
 superficie de rodamiento
mexic. running surface
| y
gen. and
| el
gen. he
guardallanta | o
gen. or
| tela
gen. spare part
| protectora
el. protective cover
- only individual words found

to phrases
cuerpo m
gen. corpus (A body of work, complete and entire); catalogue raisonn?
agric., mech.eng. base; boot; bottom; box; bucket; plough body; plow bottom
auto. case (i.e. housing)
baseb. staff
book.bind. text block
chem. body (paint)
commun., IT body of a message
comp., MS body (In e-mail and Internet newsgroups, the content of a message. The body of a message follows the header, which contains information about the sender, origin, and destination of the message)
earth.sc. eruptive body; igneous body; magma body
inet. body
law corpus
libr. book block; book-block; bookblock
mater.sc., mech.eng. body blank
mech.eng. spool
mech.eng., el. spider; cylinder
med. body (corpus); corps (corpus)
pack. wall; body (side walls of cans, bottles, hobbocks, drums, boxes etc., paredes de envases metálicos o de cartón, de botellas, toneles, etc.); body blank (de un envase, sin fondo ni tapa)
tech. corps; substance
transp. housing
transp., mech.eng. casing
cuerpo de un aislador m
isol. insulator trunk
cuerpo de telas o cubierta de un neumático, excluyendo la cara o superficie de rodamiento y
: 1 phrase in 1 subject