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econ. Cuba
gen. tub
agric. wine vat
chem. shell
industr. construct. tun; vat; trough
industr. construct. met. bath; tank
mater.sc. small vat
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

to phrases
cuba m
gen. tub
agric. wine vat
chem. shell
coal. skip
dye. beck
el. tank of a transformer; transformer tank
industr. barrel
industr., construct. tun; vat; trough
industr., construct., met. bath; tank
mater.sc. small vat
mech.eng. float chamber; float cup; fuel bowl
pack. sledge runner; skid; ski; keeve
tech. chamber (del carburador)
textile bowl
Cuba m
gen. Republic of Cuba
econ. Cuba
cuba de reacción: 1 phrase in 1 subject