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gen. thing
gen. business
math. things
gen. sew
footwear gather; sewing; assemble; join
health. stitches
| de canto
 de canto
met. on edge
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verb | adjective | to phrases
coser v
gen. sew
footwear to gather; sewing; to assemble; to join; to stitch; to close
health. stitches
immigr., tech. to sew
industr., construct. stich
cosido v
industr., construct. seam stitching
nat.sc., agric. carpenter moth (Cossus); carpenter worm (Cossus)
polygr., model. sewing
textile stitching
cosas v
gen. business
math. things
cosa v
gen. thing
cosera v
textile sew on
coser adj.
pack. stitching wire; stitch
coser de
: 45 phrases in 5 subjects
Book binding3
Information technology1
Textile industry28