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convenio colectivo
agric. group contract
econ. collective agreement
IMF. collective labor agreement; labor contract; union contract; wage settlement
law, lab.law. collective wage agreement; industrial agreement; wage agreement
polit. collective agreement A written agreement regarding working conditions and terms of employment concluded between one or more employers or employers' organizations, on the one hand, and one or more representative workers' organizations or duly elected representatives of the workers, on the other (Acuerdo escrito relativo a las condiciones de trabajo y de empleo, celebrado entre uno o varios empleadores o organizaciones de empleadores, por una parte, y, por otra, una o varias organizaciones representativas de trabajadores o representantes de los trabajadores interesados)
social.sc., empl. collective bargaining agreement
convenio colectivo de sector o rama
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
International Monetary Fund4
Labor law1
Social science4