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gen. package
antenn. antenna array
comp., MS set
med. complex; group
patents. whole; totality; total
stat. aggregate
tech. unit
| de
gen. out of
| ventilador
gen. blower
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| turbina
econ. turbine
| para
math. to
| el
gen. he
| ciclo
agric. agricultural cycle
| del aire
 del aire
pack. humidity of the air
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
conjunto m
gen. package
antenn. antenna array
comp., MS set (A grouping of dimension members or items from a data source that are named and treated as a single unit and can be referenced or reused multiple times)
med. complex; group
patents. whole; totality; total
stat. aggregate n.
tech. unit
conjuntos m
tech. sets
conjunto adj.
gen. adjunctive; adjuratory; associated
IT array
math. ensemble; set
mech.eng. assembly
conjunto de ventilador de la turbina para: 1 phrase in 1 subject